Circuit diagram

Finally got around to write the last post on the automated drawer light. The circuit is really simple. the 12V is always on. when the IR LED is shining light on the photo transistor, it conducts. This result in the gate of the NMOS (Q1) is being pulled low. Again, …

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Moving on

So, you might have noticed. The page don’t really look the way it did some days ago. The reason is that I have decided to focus on the content rather than the website. This means that the homebrew CMS have been suspended until further notice – And I have started …

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Automated Drawer lights

Electronics, how hard can it be? Not very hard it seems. First I will try to describe the project with words: The idea is that when I open the drawer, the lights will go on. A switch – simple. Well, no. I don’t have the luxury of switches, because of …

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